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Fruit acid peeling


A complexion that can be seen

The fruit acid peeling is suitable, among other things, for the treatment of acne and other skin impurities. By refining the pores, you automatically improve the complexion.

As you can already see from the name, the fruit acid peeling is a peeling in which natural fruit acids take over the peeling effect. A particularly high-quality product for fruit acid treatment comes from the Doctor Babor Pro line and is both gentle and effective.

At the beginning of a fruit acid peeling there is always an analysis of the skin function. This is important in order to find the right dosage and to optimally match the fruit acids to each other and, above all, to your skin type. One possible approach is to work with glycolic acid, but there are always alternatives. Characteristic of a fruit acid peeling is that it is limited to the affected areas of the skin and the short exposure time. A few minutes are enough to achieve the desired effect.

After the fruit acid treatment, cleansing continues and the skin is left alone for a few days to regenerate. The effect can be seen directly and the complexion appears much more even and harmonious.